Monday, February 13, 2012

Geoduck Anyone?

Geoduck Anyone?

I know this may not look like the most appetizing thing in the world, but it's actually quite delicious when eaten as a sashimi.  I mean eating this clam raw with soy sauce and wasabi.  Although I've always seen these in Chinese supermarkets, I never had the guts to try one of these until my husband Jonathan took me out to gather these from Halfmoon bay.  Only during low tide will we be able to catch these clams, and believe me, it is not easy!!!  This require you waking up early before dawn to drive to the place, dig in the cold, sandy mud, and get all wet from the salty waters.  Jonathan took two hours just to collect six of these geoducks, and after I watched how hard he worked, I decided to try one so I wouldn't let his hard effort go to waste.

My first impression of this clam was that it reminded me of a certain male anatomy part.  However, the elongated portion of the clam just happens to be the neck of the siphon.  This geoduck happens to be one of the largest burrowing clams in the world.  After catching these clams, the skin is removed and the meat is clean and white.  It is then sliced to thin pieces, and served with soy sauce and wasabi.  In my opinion, it tastes very good and reminds me of eating just a regular slice of fresh sashimi, especially since you have to work so hard to catch one.

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